Hosted Bug Tracking and Project Management System

Create New Account

BugHost is a robust, feature-complete service designed for professional software developers and teams to track bugs in their software.

Sign up for your free 30-day trial by filling in all the information requested.

Contact Information

6-10 chars.

Accept the License Agreement

By clicking the Create Account button below, I agree to the terms listed in the license agreement.

** You may try BugHost free for 30 days. After 30 days, you will have the option to continue service with a credit card. If you choose not to continue with the service, your account will revert to BugHost Lite. You will still be able to log in to your account or upgrade to a subscription even if your account is downgraded.

Privacy Policy is committed to protecting your privacy and personal information.

Unless otherwise indicated by you, the information you provide here will only be used throughout this Web application and will be visible only to those members of your company which you add to your account. We strictly adhere to the policies outlined in our privacy policy.

Please see our privacy policy for more information.

Is the Free Trial a Crippled Version?

No, the trial is a fully-working service with all of the same licensing and features as a paid subscription.

If you subscribe, the system will work exactly the same as it did during the trial, so what you see is what you get.

What happens after 30 days?

When your 30-day trial is nearing completion, we will remind you to start your subscription. If you choose to subscribe, simply enter the requested billing information, choose your level of service and continue using BugHost like you have been.

If you do not continue with a subscription, your account will be downgraded to BugHost Lite (BugHost's free service). Some of the features are not available in BugHost Lite, but your data will not be deleted. You may upgrade or subscribe at any time.