Frequently-asked Questions - Features
Can I set which items show up on forms and reports?
Yes, BugHost allows an administrator to set which fields will be displayed on the submit form, edit form, and Web Submit™ forms. Only those fields which are used will show up on the reports. You can also set which fields are required and set default values.
Can I search for text in the Summary, Description and Note fields?
Yes. You have full-text search capabilites as well as searching for bugs with certain select-only fields.
Can I customize the values that show up in the drop-down fields?
Of course! All drop-down fields are fully customizable and there is no limit on the number of items in each list.
Can we have more than one Administrator for our projects?
Yes, you can add as many admins for each project as you need. You can even set an Administrator of one project that might have lesser permissions in another.
Are the user and project licenses floating or fixed?
They are actually both. You can inactivate a user at any time, thus freeing up a license. When you activate a license for a particular user or project, that license is dedicated to that resource until you inactivate it, at which time you can re-assign the license to someone else. All bug history is retained for the old licensee.
What kind of access control is there?
You can customize security based on user or security group. Each user or group can have special permissions to submit, view, update or "allow" which gives special permissions such as attaching files. You could use "view only" access to your customers. There is also an audit trail which shows every change made to a bug, by whom, and the previous and new values. The audit log can be turned on or off per user or group.
Can I sort my reports?
Yes - reports can be sorted up to three levels deep!
Can I make changes to several bugs at a time?
Yes, there is a global update feature which enables you to select multiple bugs and assign certain values to each, all with a few clicks of your mouse.
Can I attach files or pictures to a bug report?
Yes. You can attach files or pictures when submitting or editing a bug report.